Transactional messages: the backbone of customer experience

How long does it take you to panic when you don’t receive a confirmation mail after making a big purchase online? Some messages are just too important to leave to the whims of deliverability, and so transactional emails came to being.

They’re perfect for business-critical communication, like purchase confirmations, billing information, password resets,... and you can build, trigger and personalize them in Actito, just like you would with any other email in the editor.

Transactional messages: the backbone of customer experience

The arrow that never misses

As said, transactional messages are meant for business-critical, non-commercial purposes. A marketing email has a lot of prerequisites to be sent out legally: you need one’s marketing consent, a specific opt-in in some cases, an email domain configured for marketing mails (preferably with a good reputation for deliverability) etc.

Transactional emails have their own domain and don’t require opt-ins nor marketing consent. Our dedicated infrastructure guarantees security, reliability and scalability. And more importantly: delivery. Some examples of transactional emails:

  • Purchase confirmation

  • Account creation confirmation

  • Satisfaction survey related to a purchase

  • Confirm a registration to an event

The arrow that never misses

Why should you care?

Inconsistent branding throughout your communications can make your customer feel like they’ve been scammed or can at least make them feel like the love is over once the deal is done. Transactional messages play a crucial part in customer experience and customer journeys.

The question is not whether you use transactional (because you should by default), but rather how much they add to the experience of your customers. These messages are known to drive significant additional revenue, but it's up to you to seize them.

Why should you care?

Transactional ≠ impersonal

Believe it or not, transactional messages are one of the greatest opportunities to show people what your brand is all about. If you need some more convincing, have a look at these examples.

Actito’s transactional module gives you the same ease of using branded drag-and-drop templates, with your trusted Datamart Studio to personalize the message into yet another unforgettable experience.

They can be chained together in scenarios to integrate them in one seamless experience. On top of that, you get the same reporting as marketing email, to improve your content continuously.

Transactional ≠ impersonal

Still looking for more?

Need attachments in your mail? Are you looking at more than 60 calls per minute at a high speed? For more technical emails such as password resets or digital receipts you will find that Actito Transactional Messages can accommodate your needs.

No-code marketers can rely on the Actito interface, while the technical operators can work their magic through API and SSO.

Whatever your flavor is, you can drop us a message and we'll be happy to help.

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