whether they are predictable (birthday, start date, delivery, end of contract, etc.) or unpredictable (registration, purchases, abandoned cart, navigation web/application, etc.)
The observation: a drop in mass marketing performance
This observation isn’t new. Since the digital revolution, the relationship between consumers and brands has drastically changed. Hyperconnected, demanding and volatile consumers are running the show. They are highly sought after, saturated by advertising with content they feel too often is irrelevant. According to the Baromètre 2019 du Marketing Personnalisé, 61% of consumers estimate having received offers that don’t match their interests and assume that brands don’t really understand what they want.
The challenge: agile management of the client journey
The era of mass marketing is over and personalized marketing is the future. Consumers want to engage in hyper-personalized relationships with brands. They want brands to recommend offers that match their expectations. Personalization has become a measure of performance and therefore of ROI. By suggesting the right product to the right client at the right time, marketers can increase their conversion rates and guarantee campaign performance.
For the agile management of these diverse and multichannel client journeys, a marketing automation solution helps marketers activate client journeys by offering automated, relevant and particularly hyper-personalized communication.