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Black Friday & Cyber Monday: 10 Tips for Successful Email Campaigns

Email campaigns for Black Friday and Cyber Monday are a prime opportunity to boost sales, but standing out and achieving success can be challenging.

Competition is fierce during this period, and you need to give customers a reason to buy from you rather than your competitor.

This article contains everything you need to know about designing newsletters to make your Black Friday or Cyber Monday campaigns a success.

There's a lot to cover on this topic, but by following our advice, you should be able to create successful Black Friday or Cyber Monday newsletters.


10 Tips to Include in Your Black Friday and Cyber Monday Campaign

To ensure the success of your newsletter for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we offer the following advice:

1. Write a Catchy Email Subject Line:

Most people open their emails by randomly picking from their inbox, so you have less than 20 seconds to capture their attention.

The success of your Black Friday communication largely depends on the attractiveness of your email's subject line.

Here's what your email subject should include to successfully attract attention:

  • The recipient's first name: it can't be stressed enough, personalization is key

  • An informal tone: put your customer in a good mood, and you'll have a better chance of them clicking on your message

  • Keywords at the beginning of the subject: to ensure they aren't cut off by your recipient's email service

  • The percentage of the discount: this type of hook achieves a better conversion rate

  • Emojis: emojis have a magical power over customer curiosity

  • A catchy preheader: to create anticipation and reveal a preview of the content.

2. Capitalize on the Sense of Urgency:

Black Friday and Cyber Monday last only two days and naturally create a sense of urgency. Consumers have a limited time to take advantage of exceptional discounts. Therefore, it's crucial not to miss this opportunity.

Marketers therefore have every interest in accentuating this sense of urgency to attract consumers' attention and encourage them to buy.

We're talking about leveraging FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) in your campaigns:

  • Use a countdown to build pressure and create suspense

  • Use CTAs or messages with terms like: “Take advantage now”, “I'm in”, “Only x left in stock”, or if it's your best offer of the year, say it! Your customers will understand that they'll have to wait a whole year to see such offers again.

3. Highlight Your Black Friday Discounts:

When preparing a Black Friday newsletter, it's crucial to be clear about what you're offering.

Your consumers want to know exactly what your deals are. Therefore, your Black Friday email should be clear and direct about the offer.

A good Black Friday email includes:

  • The normal price compared to the discounted price: this way, your consumers can see exactly how much they will save

  • An appealing design: GIFs are your best friends (We love them too!) Funny and dynamic, they perfectly convey emotions and significantly increase reader engagement.

  • Concise content: don't include your entire store inventory. Focus on a small selection of your Black Friday offers to showcase.

4. Bet on a Striking Design:

Today, Black Friday has become a major event that everyone looks forward to.

However, this means facing stiff competition. You need to stand out from the rest.

To avoid falling into the trap of monotonous design, we offer the following advice:

  • Do not use a black background - unless you want to go completely unnoticed

  • Do not use a gold glitter effect everywhere - even though adding sparkle to life is good!

  • Avoid using red, white, and black, unless these are your brand colors - otherwise, this color combination is completely outdated

A unique design (but consistent with your brand image) will help you stand out from the generic Black Friday email templates that flood our inboxes.

5. Write Text That Speaks Volumes:

To succeed in your Black Friday email campaign, you need to know what to say in your newsletter.

Clarity is essential to encourage prospects to buy from you and not elsewhere.

You need to showcase your company's values as well as the added value of the purchase.

For this, a good Black Friday email is one in which you:

  • Stay true to yourself

  • Make people curious

  • Turn Black Friday into a real event

6. Use GIFs:

Why not break away from the marketing routine and add an original touch to your email campaign?

GIFs are the ultimate solution for you.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the perfect times to use a GIF. A GIF will add visual interest and a creative touch to double, or even triple, the impact of your campaign.

7. Use Humor:

Sometimes, it's beneficial to use humor to stand out. Indeed, it's often the messages that make us laugh that stay in our minds.

However, use humor cautiously. Your email, as funny as it may be, must provide customers with the practical information they need. So, use it in small doses: either in the subject line to encourage opening the email, or through a well-chosen GIF or visual.

8. Help Your Customers Prepare for Their Christmas Shopping:

Consumers want to take advantage of Black Friday or Cyber Monday to anticipate their Christmas shopping and avoid last-minute crowds in stores.

Therefore, use your Black Friday campaign to offer them certain advantages to make their lives easier, such as:

  • Offering free shipping

  • Offering gift wrapping

  • Guaranteeing a delivery date before Christmas

  • Providing gift ideas

9. Stand Out:

In marketing, it's always essential to distinguish yourself from the competition to succeed.

So why not try new ideas for your Black Friday newsletter?

Here are a few:

  • Donate a percentage of your Black Friday revenue to a charity

  • If Black Friday doesn't align with your values or those of your clientele, consider not participating and instead joining the Green Friday movement

  • Showcase the usefulness of your product or service

10. Optimize for Mobile:

Smartphones have become an indispensable tool in our lives. It's nearly impossible for us to go an hour without checking for new emails or messages.

Therefore, when you are in the preparation phase of your Black Friday or Cyber Monday newsletter, don't forget to optimize your email for mobile. This advice applies to all your campaigns!

3 Tips for a Successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Campaign

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are annual events.

It's important to prepare well for this event and craft the best newsletters.

Indeed, marketers confirm that good preparation of their Black Friday email campaigns always yields positive results.

For this, we offer the following 3 tips:

1. Improve Your Black Friday Campaign Over Time:

Those who do not learn from their mistakes do not improve. The same rule applies to your Black Friday email campaigns.

We live in an era of data and have the opportunity to analyze everything. It's now very easy to see how your customers reacted to your previous Black Friday newsletters and to modify your future ones with these insights.

2. Use the Content of Your Email to Your Advantage:

Again, the content of your emails is very important.

Always pay attention to the following points:

  • Do not be overly mysterious

  • Create a sense of urgency in the copy

  • Highlight your products (but not the entire catalog)

  • Respect the identity of your brand and do not distort it for Black Friday

3. Opt for Simplicity:

During the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period, we receive dozens (if not hundreds) of promotional emails.

But we only interact with those that are simple and clear.

Simplicity is beauty!

What Email Sequence for Black Friday?

Consumers are now accustomed to Black Friday. They are therefore waiting for your communications to spot the great deals they can make. You need an email sequence to alert your customers to your offers.

We suggest the following sequence:

1. The Teaser/Countdown

A campaign to create suspense, reveal the products that will be on promotion, announce exceptional measures: free returns, extended return period, free shipping...

Marketing levers useful for this sequence: landing page, pop-up on the site, email, social media posts...

2. The Kick-Off

A campaign to launch your Black Friday! This is the opportunity to offer gifts to the first X orders, a special code to take advantage of the best offers...

Useful marketing levers for this sequence: email campaign, website banners, pop-up...

3. The Reminder

A warning campaign that emphasizes the limited duration of the offers: "tomorrow it will be over", "Only a few hours left to take advantage", "Is your size still available?"; "Extra 10% off with the code EXTRA10".

Marketing levers useful for this sequence: email, SMS, push wallet...

4. The Pre-Cyber Monday

Take advantage of the weekend to inform your audience that the promotions continue on Monday, with a guide to the last deals not to be missed.

Useful marketing levers for this sequence: landing page, pop-up on the site, email, social media posts...

5. Cyber Monday

The last day to do your Christmas shopping and treat yourself: Christmas 2023 gift guide/deals.

Useful marketing levers for this sequence: email campaign, website banners, pop-up...

In Summary:

There isn't ONE single secret to having the best Black Friday campaign, but rather several small tips to follow.

Throughout this article, we have given you the most practical and concrete advice to succeed in your Black Friday campaigns. We hope to have provided you with the necessary inspiration to get started.

Hurry up, you only have a few days left...

About the author


Isabelle Henry

Head of Content Marketing and Growth

Imagine a GPS to guide you through the intricacies of marketing automation. That's what I'm all about at Actito, after 18 years of exploring every nook and cranny of marketing! My fuel? Curiosity and the desire to help you discover new horizons. With me, ideas fly at the speed of light. An article here, a video there... I juggle formats like a chef to concoct inspiring content. So, are you ready to embark on a journey to the heart of the latest trends? Fasten your seatbelts!