Covid-19 hasn’t been kind to anybody, and Black Friday thrives on being generous with deals, promotional offers and gifts. But what’s the best way to get ready for this important sales period? And will this tradition make it through such a disruptive health crisis?
Between confinement, impulsive decisions, newly acquired routines, and panic buying of staples, our daily lives have been different, to say the very least. One result is that more people have taken to online shopping.
Online shopping is king
Faced with closed stores, brands have been reinventing themselves. And that’s what it’s all about: being flexible, agile, and being able to stay in touch with clients even if a worrisome pandemical virus is making it difficult. Optimizing online presence is definitely a step brands had to take six months ago to prepare for the weeks to come. These efforts will pay off in the end because there is not certainty that consumers are going to make a powerful comeback to brick-and-mortar stores.
Moreover, Click and Collect deals have had their finest hours during confinement. Global data and measurement firm Nielsen said it as well: only 5% of households internationally bought online before the crisis. During the lockdowns, this figure doubled. In the UK, e-commerce reached 31.2% of total retail sales compared to 19.1% in 2019 (ONS).