Success Story : Caméléon

Effective subscriber loyalty

Success Story : Caméléon


The client Background

The client

Belgian reference in the outlet sector, Caméléon's private counters, located in Genval and Woluwé-Saint-Pierre, bring together collections of major brands of fashion, decoration and accessories at democratic prices. Only accessible to their registered members, Caméléon takes care of its subscribers and therefore requires a powerful and effective marketing activation tool. The Caméléon brand has been using the Actito platform for 10 years to convert and retain its target audiences. A look back at a decade of collaboration. In an interview with Gondola, Stéphane de Patoul, Customer Insight Manager for Caméléon, talks about his experience with Actito.


The context Background

The context

To be able to move from a "basic" emailing campaign without specific segmentation to a personalized and segmented mailing, Caméléon was helped by the collaboration with Actito. Intuitive and easy to use, Actito has enabled Caméléon teams to obtain a 360 ° view of their audience and to use the data collected in a relevant way. The goal? Send the right messages to Caméléon members, at the right time, through the most appropriate communication channel for the customer. Email is a central element of their strategy, but Caméléon is also developing SMS and DM print communication strategies with Actito.


The goal Background

The goal

Segment. Segmentation consists of using behavioral data related to the purchase and the sociodemographic elements collected in order to identify the targets to be contacted via the relevant channels. To widen this audience, Caméléon uses the look-a-like technique. Concretely, segmenting amounts to defining target groups in order to send them the message that really suits them. By coupling segmentation with A / B testing and conditioning techniques, Caméléon uses the marketing activation platform to maximize its personalized communications strategies.


The results Background

The results

Whereas it used to take three months to reach the conversion rate, Caméléon reached its goal in 4 weeks. The acquisition is made possible thanks to customer experience techniques collected through the automation of communications and the identification of ambassadors, making it possible to recruit new members. Want to know more ? Discover the interview, in French or in Dutch, conducted by Gondola with Stéphane de Patoul, Customer Insight Manager for Caméléon.