Let’s put first names aside. Personalization in your campaigns comes down to more than this simple piece of content. The timing of when you send, the images you used, the message you deliver can all be personalised with the right data and the right technology in place to put it into action.
Personalization in messaging starts with putting your customer at the centre; to meet their needs, reassure them and show your care. You’ll be able to see your successes with an increase to your click through rate, click to conversion rate and campaign traffic.
Here are 5 personalization examples from our Actito team to get you thinking:
Switch your hero image based on preferences, lifestage or recent purchase category.
Show you’ve been listening and personalize with information they’ve provided on their pets or their favourite band etc.
Acknowledge milestones like first Click & Collect order, birthday or loyalty offer qualification by activating a scenario campaign in that moment.
Customise the products shown based on their favourite shopping category, choice of computer type or dietary preferences.
Change how you message that new product release offer based on whether they are part of your ‘early adopters’ or ‘bargain hunters’ segment.