Reach all your goals with Actito

How does the Goal application work and how does it fit into your marketing strategies? A short overview of the application by Bryan Van Hauwaert, Product Marketeer for Actito.

Reach all your goals with Actito

As a marketer, measuring the ROI of your actions and the real impact of your marketing efforts is essential in order to control the success of your actions and to be able to adapt them. The GOAL application allows you to identify the people who visit your website and to retrieve information about their behavior on your site: page visits or transactions. All this information helps you to capture the interest of prospects and customers who visit your site.

At Actito, we offer two types of goals in our platform, similar in their technical aspect since both work on the basis of a cookie and a script deposited on one or more pages of your website.

Le goal de visite

The website visit goal

Le goal de visite

The website visit goal allows you to track a user's visit to one or more pages of your website. A real spy, it gives you the possibility to know what the user is interested in when browsing your site: product category pages, services offered, promotions, blog posts, etc. This goal is purely informative: it allows you to find out more, to know more precisely the interest that motivates the user, prospect or customer, on your site.

The transactionnal goal

Le goal transactionnel

The transactional goal has a double action: it brings up the notion of transaction in the Actito marketing activation platform, especially via the order confirmation page; it also allows a purchase to be linked to a marketing campaign, giving the marketer the possibility to measure the success of his campaign. However, transactions are not always the only ones to be captured: abandoned shopping basket actions are also tracked by the transactional goal.

Le goal transactionnel
Mise en place concrète dans Actito

Concrete implementation in Actito

Mise en place concrète dans Actito

In concrete terms, a cookie is first deposited in the visitor's browser. In Actito, this is made possible thanks to the click performed in a marketing campaign. An Actito script will be deposited on a page of the website and will allow the identification of the individual and the interests of his visit.

The ROI reports allow to check the number of transactions and the total amount of transactions generated by these actions. These reports give you all the insights you need to adapt or improve your campaigns and content and make them more effective. Sounds complex? Do you want to know more? Don't panic: your CSM is always there to help you get the most out of Actito's Goal app!

Want to know more?

Discover the workout session led by Bryan Van Hauwaert, Product Marketeer for Actito, which illustrates this functionality with a very concrete example (a video game console that made a lot of noise when it was released).

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