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From Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Actito: Shift into high gear!

Do you use Salesforce Marketing Cloud but find the platform too complex and rigid? Do you aspire to more autonomy and dynamism in managing your multichannel marketing campaigns? Know that the complexity of SQL queries and the cumbersomeness of processes are not a fatality.

It may be time to consider migrating to a solution more suited to your needs: the Actito platform. Discover in this article why more and more companies are choosing to migrate from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Actito and how it can help you:

  • Gain agility and performance

  • Create effective marketing activation scenarios

  • Offer a personalized customer experience on all channels

  • Comply with GDPR rules and respect your contacts' privacy

Ready to learn more? Follow the guide to successfully migrate from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Actito!


Say goodbye to complexity, hello to autonomy!

With Salesforce Marketing Cloud, your learning curve can be long and tedious. Marketing teams are often dependent on IT teams or consultants to perform tasks that are actually simple, which considerably slows down the implementation of your creativity.

This lack of autonomy has major impacts:

  • Lack of responsiveness and agility to launch new campaigns

  • Extended deadlines and missed opportunities

  • Frustration of marketing teams who cannot innovate freely

Imagine a world where complicated SQL queries, JavaScript and endless user manuals no longer exist... With Actito, leave complexity behind and embrace autonomy! Our interface, specially designed for marketers, offers intuitive handling and features at your fingertips.


Thanks to our drag and drop, no code editor and our pre-designed templates, creating an email marketing campaign or a form becomes child's play. Segment your audiences, integrate product recommendations, and personalize content according to your users' preferences and behaviors. Launch targeted offers and activate your marketing scenarios autonomously, without needing technical skills.

Imagine: no more need to solicit your IT teams, your consultants, or spend hours trying to understand how the tool works. With Actito, you have total control over your campaigns and can activate your marketing levers in record time.

Ready to see what a truly intuitive marketing activation platform looks like? Discover the Actito interface in detail.

Exploit the full potential of your customer base: the key to boosting your ROI

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a powerful tool but it covers a very broad spectrum, from lead acquisition to customer loyalty. Actito has chosen to specialize in activating and retaining your existing customers.

With Actito, you have all the tools to make the most of your customer base and generate more revenue:

  • An advanced audience tool to easily create relevant segments from all your data (behavioral, socio-demographic, transactional, etc.)

  • Multichannel marketing automation scenarios to deliver the right messages at the right moments of the customer lifecycle, via the most relevant channel: email campaigns, transactional emails, SMS/RCS, push notifications, Mobile Wallet, social campaigns and more.

  • Advanced personalization features for a tailor-made experience

  • Detailed reports to track and optimize your performance

By focusing on your current customers rather than acquiring new prospects, you reduce your costs and increase your ROI. As the saying goes, it costs 5 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain one.

"Actito offers an intuitive interface that simplifies the management of my campaigns on all media: email, sms etc. The richness of the features allowed me to personalize my messages in depth, which considerably improved my customers' engagement." - Lucile M.

The costs of inaction

You think staying on your current platform costs you nothing? Think again! Inaction has a price, both financially and in terms of missed opportunities.

Opting for the status quo with a complex and not very agile solution like Salesforce Marketing Cloud means taking the risk of missing out on major business opportunities and seeing costs soar without visibility.

Think "total cost of ownership"

When choosing a solution like Salesforce Marketing Cloud, you don't always realize the TCO, Total Cost of Ownership, that it can represent. Its opaque pricing structure and numerous hidden costs make it difficult to control your budget. Taking a step back, the bill can quickly add up:

  1. Initial costs: licenses, setup, integration...

  2. Operating costs: message consumption, data storage...

  3. Training costs: to try to make teams autonomous on a complex tool

  4. Hidden costs: additional fees for certain features

  5. Upgrade costs: to benefit from the latest innovations

  6. End-of-life costs: to extract and migrate your data

In the end, the bill is often much higher than expected! At Actito, we have chosen transparency and predictability. Our pricing grid is clear and detailed, with no nasty surprises. You know exactly what you are paying for and can easily plan your marketing investments.

This visibility allows you to allocate your resources optimally and focus on what really matters: delivering the best campaigns at the best cost.

Don't let your creativity suffer

Have you ever thought about the opportunities missed due to lack of agility? You have a great idea that could set you apart from the competition. But by the time you implement it on a complex tool, 6 months have passed and the idea has lost its luster.

Meanwhile, your more agile competitors have jumped on the bandwagon and grabbed market share. Frustrating, isn't it?

With Actito, don't let technology slow down your creativity anymore. Our intuitive platform allows you to test and deploy your ideas in record time. No more wasted time and missed opportunities!

A 100% European GDPR compliant solution "by design"

The GDPR has reshuffled the cards of digital marketing. Consent collection, communication preference management, right to be forgotten... Bringing your marketing program into compliance can quickly turn into a headache. Not to mention the risks associated with data transfers outside the European Union.

With Actito, you have the guarantee of a platform with a 100% European infrastructure, which stores all your data on servers located in the EU certified ISO27001. No more worries about international transfers and adaptations to third country regulations.

Our solution integrates from the design stage all the necessary safeguards for a serene GDPR compliance:

  • Collection of explicit consent

  • Management of communication preferences by channel and message type

  • Automatic data purge according to the defined retention period

  • Processing register to document your compliance

With Actito, you can refocus on what matters: delivering an exceptional customer experience, in full compliance and security.


Your successful migration: speed, proximity, expertise

Convinced it's time for a change? We know all too well that considering a migration to a new marketing platform can be scary, given the time and resources it involves. Your past experiences, especially with Salesforce Marketing Cloud, might make you skeptical: it's not uncommon for implementation projects to drag on for months or even years, with costs skyrocketing.

At Actito, our priority is to save you time and energy. Our platform is designed for quick and efficient implementation. Our experts support you at every step of the process, from activating your license to creating users, configuring data models and preparing IP addresses. Everything is done to ensure that you are operational in just a few weeks.

We also know that the deliverability of your emails is crucial. That's why our team of deliverability specialists ensures a secure transition to our platform, maintaining your reputation and optimizing the performance of your campaigns.


But our support doesn't stop there. As an Actito user, you benefit daily from the dedicated support of an account success manager, transforming each client into a true activation hero. (Want to feel like a marketing activation superhero? Order your socks now via marketing@actito.com and join the adventure!) Our experts remain at your disposal to answer all your questions, assist you in problem solving and guide you towards best practices to maximize your efficiency.

Don't just take our word for it, discover our customer reviews on G2, which highlight the quality of our support and our attentiveness. With Actito, you have the assurance of a trusted partner to help you get the most out of your marketing platform.

Ready to shift into high gear with Actito?

In summary, migrating from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Actito means:

  • Gaining agility and performance with an intuitive platform

  • Benefiting from local support and quick implementation

  • Fully exploiting your customer base thanks to powerful activation tools

  • Securing your GDPR compliance with a 100% European solution

Don't wait any longer to transform your customer relationship! Our experts are at your disposal to study your project and propose a migration path adapted to your needs.

About the author

Design sans titre - 1

Maïté Scorey

Product Marketer

Captivated by the challenge of transforming complex ideas into clear, accessible concepts, I naturally chose to specialize in product marketing. My mind is always on the lookout for the next innovation or project to bring to fruition.

Discover how Actito can help you shift into high gear