Success Story

The Red Cross

Solution migration in a charitable context.

The Red Cross


The Client Background

The Client

Recognized as a public utility since 1945, The French Red Cross is a non-profit association-enterprise. Its network of volunteers and employees acts every day according to an unalterable principle of solidarity, prioritizing local actions that provide concrete and lasting responses.


The Objective Background

The Objective

The French Red Cross aimed to animate and inform the donor community by maintaining a personalized privileged relationship with each of them.


The Context Background

The Context

The marketing teams are equipped with the Neolane tool, but is perceived as too complex to use. The teams lack autonomy in campaign management and are not supported by Adobe in their daily use.


The Solution Background

The Solution

The choice fell on Actito, which supports the Red Cross in the Neolane-Actito migration and quickly trains the teams in the use of the tool.

Our teams question the quality of the data and the management of the various action plans to be carried out, while remaining attentive to answer all the technical questions of the Red Cross thanks to dedicated support.

Actito helps the teams develop a vision centered on the donor, their journey, and expectations and makes the deployment of multichannel campaigns possible.


The Result Background

The Result

  • 15 donation call mailings

  • 2 SMS campaigns

  • 53 ACTITO email campaigns conducted on informational content (what becomes of your donation? How to obtain my tax receipt?) and relational content (The Red Cross thanks you for your donation…)

  • Re-motivated and autonomous teams that project themselves into an increasingly advanced use of ACTITO to hyper-personalize content, define scenarios according to donor profiles, create a donor welcome pack, engage in multichannel communications…

Discover Their Success Story in Video

Céline Arcaro, Head of Relational Marketing Project, and Catherine De Baets, Head of Relational Marketing Project, testify about their migration project during the Actito Day.