Purpose-built to enable unique customer view across both logged-in and anonymous audiences
Batch is a next generation customer engagement platform.
With mobile, the world has changed. But not the world of marketers, who continue to use web tools created in the early 2000s on a daily basis.
This era is over with Batch, our platform lets our client do 3 things really well:
• Create a comprehensive and real-time end-user customer view. Our data model works well with online or offline, web or mobile, real-time or async, logged-in or token-based end-user data. Most of that data flows to our back-end through our modern SDKs or APIs, but can also come from any type of modern CDP.
• Communicate. Create limitless engagement journeys and workflows using our advanced engagement platform and communication channels.
• Understand. Listen to their user bases and analyze the results of their engagement campaigns.