Push Notifications: Immediacy at the heart of your strategy

Capture your customers' attention in the blink of an eye! Push notifications are the key to engagement, surprise and loyalty. Anonymous or identified, on App or website, every profile receives the perfect message, at the perfect time.

Push Notifications: Immediacy at the heart of your strategy

Mastering Targeting and Personalization

Actito's Push Notifications offer you a wide range of interactions to target and personalize your messages based on:

  • Demographic preferences

  • Location

  • Individual preferences

  • Online behaviors

  • Insights from other sources

We give you the keys to deploy hyper-personalized campaigns, transforming each interaction into a conversion opportunity.

Add a channel to your Customer Activation: combine the captivating charm of push notifications with the profound impact of a 360° view of your customers.

Our Different Types of Push Notifications

With Actito's push notifications, interacting with your customers and visitors in a personalized way becomes a breeze. Generate targeted and instant traffic to your website and applications.

App Push

App Push

Personalized messages that appear directly on the home screen of your smartphones or tablets. Ideal for maintaining engagement, these notifications allow you to stay connected with your users by sharing news, reminders, and more, all from your mobile application.

Web Push

Web Push

Personalized messages that pop up directly in your browser. Stay connected even outside your site thanks to user consent. Leverage a unique and instant communication opportunity.

Don't take our word for it

"The rich functionality has enabled me to personalize my messages in depth, which has greatly improved my customers' engagement."

Multilingual Personalization: Campaigns That Speak to Everyone

Propel your notifications to borderless personalization, supporting all languages of your target audience. In a single campaign, Actito allows you to localize not only your text but also your visuals and actions, providing a tailored experience that goes far beyond simple translations. Create messages that truly resonate with each language, ensuring effective and personalized communication at every touchpoint.

Perfect Timing, Maximum Impact

With Actito, mastering the timing of your push notification campaigns becomes a breeze. Engage your users at the exact desired moment by personalizing the sending of your messages based on their actions for maximum relevance.

Whether your notifications are scripted or sent on an ad hoc basis, Actito offers you all the flexibility you need to reach your users at the most opportune time. Each message becomes a unique opportunity to enhance the relevance of your communication and deepen the connection with your audience, ensuring that each interaction occurs at the perfect moment.

Measure and Improve the Impact of Your Campaigns

Evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns at a glance by comparing the performance of your messages. Identify the most effective content and notifications that capture the most attention and drive interactions.

Refine your communication approach through in-depth analysis of user data. We provide you with valuable signals, allowing you to fine-tune your strategies to maximize engagement and impact with every message sent.